#7 - Awarding Event IAK Batch 2


Another post about my wonderful journey being in Information Technology field of study. Here we go!

Awarding Event of Indonesia Android Kejar 
Batch 2

This one is different from the previous post that I’ve shared about IAK batch 2. By the way, if any of you are curious and haven't read my previous post about IAK batch 2 study group, you can just click it HERE. Well, his one this the long awaiting Awarding Event! I may sound a bit exaggerating right now but I truly am feeling excited about this. After we finished with the study group, and also submitted the final project, this event made to appreciate our work as a participant or facilitator.

Before the D-day, I received an email from IAK saying that I have to fill in the survey form on the internet for those who are joining IAK batch 2. I thought that it’s just common survey form that’s not so important. But I was bored that time and decided to fill in the form.

The night before the awarding event, I am contacted by one of facilitators from other study group that I know--she’s mba Hilda. She asked me whether I can attend tomorrow’s event or not. I wondered why she would ask me even though I’m not the member of her study group. Then I asked her, “I’ll come to tomorrow’s event, oh and why would you ask me this question? Anyway my mentor is mba Izza”. Then she answered, “haha yes of course there’s a reason behind my question”. She explained that I was chosen to share my experience as a participant to other participants and mentor. I agreed because I just had to tell them what I’ve typed in the survey form back then. Never knew that it’d be a talk show season before.

Arrived exactly at 8.30 and I saw no one except for several facilitators include mba Hilda. I was a bit nervous because I haven’t experienced this kind of thing in the past. I was a shy person, I was the person behind the scene, I was really insecure about myself. You know, my college days have been my life-changing-moment, the moment when I decided I must change for the better.

I was watching and listening to the entire event whole-heartedly. Best part when the Head of Engineer of Go-Jek gave his presentation, really inspiring. Then the time when I was being interviewed came. I wasn’t the only interviewee tho. With the older guy who’s majoring in physics in UGM and boy who’s currently in his 2nd year of vocational high school, means that I am the only girl who’s being interviewed. IT field is tough, man.

So in the end of event, there was an announcement, the awarding session! Alhamdullillah, all praise to Allah for giving me the chance to be in the Top 50 best participant of IAK batch 2! I got the cool t-shirt from IAK. It has been my goal to own the t-shirt with Google sign on the back! And, another most unforgettable moment is that I got the business card from mas Lutvi, the head of engineer in Go-Jek! I was being introduced to him by mba Izza. Can’t find a word to express how grateful I am to meet such a kind and wonderful woman in tech like mba Izza.

Attending an Awarding Event of IAK batch 2, chosen as one of the talkshow speakers, being on the top 50 best participant of IAK batch 2, get a cool IAK tshirt as a gift, for the first time given a business card by Gojek Head of Product, those all are the best earlier birthday present I've ever had! Thank you for those who made this happened. Thank you!


  1. kak boleh minta share foto2 IAK Awarding di UGM yang lainnya ndak?

    1. halo, maaf aku baru baca komenmu. masih mau fotonya? kalau masih, kamu bisa reply emailmu di sini ya :)
