#5 - Indonesia Android Kejar Study Group Batch 2


Morning dreamers! I’m writing new posts on my birthday, yay! Okay so let’s get back to the topic I’m going to share today…


The most exciting and motivating event I’ve ever experience this year. This is a program that’s held and supported by Google Developers to support Indonesian Developers in developing mobile apps by learning in Online Course which is Udacity and studying in a group with local communities. This program has a purpose to teach developers from Sabang to Merauke. Google has held this program in 5 biggest cities in Indonesia: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. We can join the study group as a facilitators/mentor or participant/student.

Well, that’s a bit explanation if any of you ever wondering what kind of event or program IAK exactly is. I’m going to share my experience of joining IAK.

I was feeling truly thrilled back then when I got my first IAK email. It was email from Woman Techmakers Study Group, one of organization from Google. The email said……..

I was so motivated by the email and had a big desire to join. Then I registered myself as a participant/student of IAK Batch 2. There was thing that makes me confuse back then, but I forgot what was that thing. I even contacted and asked the Head of FemaleDev, Alamanda Shantika Santoso on facebook. But unfortunately I didn’t get any reply haha. That’s okay, I really understand the fact that she might be so busy and besides, I am an outsider hahaha.

So not so long after I registered myself, I finally received another email from IAK saying that I got accepted to the study group! Thanks God! I soon called that as my ‘starting point’, means that this will be the start of my journey ahead. Never been so excited before. Never been feeling so motivated before. I guess this is just like a life-changing for me. No more shy-Bika, say hello to motivated-positive-and-brave-Bika!

IAK was held for two days, 26th-27th of November 2016. Actually each of the study groups has its own schedule set by the mentors. And mine was held on that date I’ve mentioned before. When I first chose Fatimah Azzahro as my mentor, I didn’t even know where the study group will going to be held. My schedule was pretty hectic back then so I was worried if I couldn’t get time for this. Well in the end, I found the ideal date for this. The study group venue was informed 3 days before the D-day. I was contacted by my mentor on both email and WA group that our study group will be held in Go-Jek Tech Valley. Another thing that makes me thrilled!

I couldn’t believe that I actually was going to visit the office of Go-Jek IT engineers! Believe it or not, several days before the announcement I watched the talkshow in Tech in Asia that’s held in Jakarta, with Nadiem Makarim as the speaker in my campus library and I moved into tears because of his words. He said that:

“What I’ve learned from engineering is that TALENT is not about how good you code, it is not  about how smart you are or how good of a mathematician you are. TALENT   is a mindset, it is a cultural mindset, of LEARNING: wanting to learn all the time.”

The D-day is coming. I was late. I waited for my private ojek driver to pick me. I used Google Map as my director. On the way, I was wondering how the office looked like because all I see was rice field on the left and right side of the road. I had a bit difficulty in finding the office because you know what, the office doesn’t even have any single sign saying that it’s an office of Go-Jek and also has a huge fence in front of the office. Gratefully I could make it to the office. And… The office is just so beautiful, it makes me amazed. It’s soooo traditional, it looks like a villa, with the pool and gazebo beside it, many plants, the meeting hall surrounded by glasses. It a shame that I didn’t take many picture of the office.

I spent two days playing with XML and Java basic programming language for android apps development. Approximately 7 hours per day with eye focusing on laptop. Well, because of the calming breeze here in Go-Jek Tech Valley and being accompanied by cute office cats named melky and kepo, it's somehow odd to say that I feel tired. Each days I would stay longer than the others because I had to wait 1-2 hours more until my driver came to pick me up. But I didn't feel annoyed at all. Instead, I'm feeling so grateful because I had the chance to talk and have a little discussion with my mentor and also one of developer there. I know I still am a newbie, but I believe where there's a will, there's a way.

Thank you for my fellow sisters who came to the study group, thank you for letting me believe that we--a soon to be female developer, can have equal ability and knowledge as much as men do. Thank you mba Izza--my mentor and big sister to me, for giving me lot of new knowledges. Last but not least, thank you Google for the opportunity! See ya next year!

With love,


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