#2 - Another Journey Began


“Time flies so fast”

At least that quote really represents what am I feeling right now. This all started when the world has turned to be something that we didn’t even expect before. I’m now officially a college student. I’m studying computer science at Islamic University of Indonesia (UII). Even though UII wasn’t my dream university at the first place, I now understand why God has chosen UII to be my shelter to pursue my goals. I’m more grateful for the fact that I can really fit in here.


This is my new family—The Department of Informatics, Islamic University of Indonesia. This picture is taken when I first walked in to my campus building. Back then when 2016 gen was gathered together to be informed regarding the new curriculum. Yup, we’re gonna do this so-called experiment again. Can’t be helped tho. As time pass by, I truthfully found the curriculum to be well-planned. Well that’s my opinion for now.
So let’s move to the most anticipated part of this blog. I’m going to explain department of informatics in UII. For those who’s still confuse of what the difference between computer science and informatics engineering, I’ll try to make it clear to you.

Computer science and Informatics Engineering actually have the same main purpose which is focusing in learning how to understand programming languages, be a programmer, or any job in the field of Information Technology like an apps developer or system networking for example. The differences lay on the other compulsory subjects. Like for example, Computer Science requires higher level of calculus rather than when we’re in Informatics Engineering (It’s because several universities put computer science in the faculty of mathematics and applied science instead of engineering).

I talked about the new curriculum in UII before, so I’m about to explain about it to you. In the first semester of college, we started to get to know to the computational thinking, about how can we communicate with the computer itself. We’re still using learning method for children till teens (just because in foreign country, school is obligated to teach computational thinking in order to learn computer science. Literally, foreigners have learned computer science in such young ages). After then, we have C++ as our first programming language to learn. It’s all about algorithm and make the program using C++ language. Pretty simple, but sometimes I still find it difficult to understand the algorithm since I’m not that good at math.

Well that’s for the basic programming. And we also learn about UX/UI design. How to get people’s insight to reach the needs of our surrounding. For the beginning, we start making mobile apps prototype using prototyping software online or offline. This subject teaches us to think creative and out of the box. Speaking frankly, out of all subject, I like this one best. The subject is called Design Thinking.

Other subject is the Fundamental of Informatics. Still about basic stuffs. We basically learn about history of computer, organization and architecture of computer, Input and Output system, mathematics discrete, binary, basic network system, and many other more.  Quite complicated, isn’t it?

That’s it! Those three subject are the main subjects we learn here in department of Informatics. Some of you may wonder why we don’t have calculus? And how could we only have three subjects? We still are going to study calculus on the next semester. The new curriculum set it that way. Our study materials consist of 20 SKS, just like the other do. But there’s one unique side of our new curriculum which is each of those subjects will have either 4 or 6 SKS. It seems tough for me. Well, let’s just enjoy the progress. Make yourself do less-complaint, I think that way can makes us a bit relaxed and reduce stress feelings.

I hope you understand what I’m trying to explain here,

Until then,


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