Get to Know PHP Frameworks: Laravel and CodeIgniter


Hi Tech-Fellas! I’m back with another post as the assignment from one of the course in my university. Okay so we’re going to talk about PHP framework, especially for CodeIgniter and Laravel

PHP framework is a library that makes the life of site developer easier by for example hiding some complexities of HTTP protocol or by adding some useful functions.

These days developers need to build complex websites and web apps, and above a certain complexity level it can take too much time and hassle to always start from scratch, hence came the need for a more structured natural way of development. So basically, PHP frameworks provide developers with an adequate solution for that.

Why use PHP frameworks?
  • Make speed development possible
  • Provide well-organized, reusable and maintainable code
  • Let you grow over time as web apps running on frameworks are scalable
  • Spare you from the worries about low-level security of a site
  • Follow the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern that ensures the separation of presentation and logic
  • Promote modern web development practices such as object-oriented programming tools

And also I picked up 5 most popular PHP frameworks based on my search on the internet. I’ll let you know the source at the end of this post.
TOP 5 PHP Framework
  1. Laravel
  2. Symfony
  3. CodeIgniter
  4. Yii 2
  5. Phalcon

And there are a lot more!

Well, then we’re going to share more about CodeIgniter and Laravel and how to download. Here we go!

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

How to Download?
Installing Laravel 5 by using composer is the most common way for most web/app developer.

  • Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using Laravel, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine. If you want to check whether it’s installed already or not, you can open command prompt and type composer –v and there will me a message like the picture below:

  • Make sure you have activated mySQL and Apache on your xampp. You can open it with Control Panel, then click Configuration.

  • Installing Laravel using command prompt is actually very easy. You just have to create project Laravel and named it whatever you want. For example: laravel. 
  • Then type on your command prompt like the picture below:
    • Wait until it’s downloaded and installed successfully

    • If it’s installed completely, you can check it by opening your web browser and type http://localhost/laravel/public (P.S. ‘laravel’ is the name of your project)

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