#13 - Second Semester Exhibition


Another story about the exhibition day coming up!

So I'm going share the exhibition-story post on this blog on the end of every semester due to the new curriculum. There will be exhibition in every semester to display our projects to the other students or other people who happens to be in campus. The exhibition always takes place in at the hall of Mas Mansur building, Faculty of Information Technology in our university. I have posted the story about previous exhibition anyway so you can just click HERE to read.

When the previous exhibition was a project in my design thinking class, the latest exhibition was a project from 3 major courses which are software engineering, fundamentals of application development, and Bahasa Indonesia as the course to deliver the document and poster in a good words and sentences.

In the team we have some roles including the project manager (me), the programmer (Dewi), the designer (Afifah), the system analyst (Ajeng), and the testers (Febri and Syalma). We developed the software using Java programming language and XML as the database. It wasn't so complicated tho. We asked help for other students for the project. I think it was challenging, working with a team to develop something.

My project was called Marketing System UII—it is a software that helps  Marketing & Communication Team in Faculty of Industrial Technology, Islamic University of Indonesia to make accountability reports, verrified it, store data regarding of stock of merchandises, list of team members, and also showing informative dashboard to observe  distribution of the marketing activities in Islamic University of Indonesia.

We often make it short by saying Marsys UII. There are two types of users for Marsys UII; one for Marcomm officers and the other one is for Directorate of Marketing, Cooperation and Alumni staff members. By using the Marcomm Version we will serve you with three features in the main menu which are making of accountability reports, managing stock of merchandises data, and updating members information. We also enable the staff to see dashboard informative of the marketing distribution area and verified the accountability report that has been made by Marcomm Team in the other version.

Just as usual, I made several mini posters and design. I found it enjoyable working and designing posters. Here are several of my works for this exhibition:

The main poster sized A1. Written in Bahasa Indonesia, as one of the course's project.

A bit different from the previous exhibition, this time we didn't have to write any report or make a promotion video. I'd like to express my gratitude to all my team members and apologize if all these times I ever made you guys upset because me being too strict sometimes. Each of you gave me different kinds of lesson, taught me how to keep calm even under pressure and how to build a strong and solid team members. I'm wishing the best for all of you!

Always, the outer planet! One more thing I forgot to tell is that I named the team with TEAM GALAXY as abbreviation from GAL and AXY. GAL means girls because my team consisted of all girls and AXY or 'aksi' in Bahasa Indonesia means action. So basically the meaning behind of the name is that girls who do action to reach for their dreams. 

That was a wrap! Thanks for the humble lecturer who guided us. May Allah shower you with His blessings. Till next time, readers!

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