#9 - Design Thinking Class Exhibition


This time I want to bring up the topic about the exhibition I had recently on late of December, 2016. I know that it's a bit late to talk about this because of my bad trait in procrastinate things but I really want to write an entry about this one.

Exactly on December 20th of 2016, my department agreed to make a little exhibition to display our final project for Design Thinking class. It's about making of a mobile apps prototype for both iOS and android operating system. The exhibition was held at the hall of Mas Mansur building, Faculty of Information Technology in our university. 

The exhibition started at 8AM on the morning. Our lecturer provided us with booth for each team. Oh, I forgot to mention that each team consisted of four till five members. We have about six teams in my class, and total of 32 teams from all classes. Early on the morning, all of the lecturers of Design Thinking classes would gathered together at the hall to make the photobooth by doodling on the huge black carton paper. Out of all lecturers in my first semester of college, I like my Design Thinking class lecturer the most. They even made the poster by themselves to advertise our exhibition. Look at their works below:

photobooth preview made by Design Thinking class lecturers


Isn't that lovely thing to has done by your lecturer? Sure they're so thoughtful of us. I'd love to be taught by him again next time!

Okay so I'll be talking about what have I made as a team in Design Thinking class exactly.

My team is named as "Team Bintang" because we consisted of five members, which is the total five points of a star. We hope to shine bright and inspire the others just like a star. Our project is called UniBook. It's a mobile app that's built to help people; the students and lecturers to get in touch with the library system easier. Basically it helps you to borrow books just by booked it using our apps. We made the two versions of the apps which are the user and admin version. The admin version is built to help librarian managing the library management system just in a grip of your hand.

In our team, we have Muaz as the main developer who made the user version of UniBook prototype, Fionna who's our video maker and the co-developer who made the admin version of UniBook along with me, Vebri and Yordan who are in charge of designing the main posters and the ultimate supporter of the group (lol), and me as the project leader and in charge of helping the other members who needs help. Here are the a bit preview of the posters we made:

In the end of the project, we have to write a report. It's not like the typical of normal report people write for the project they've done. Our lecturer told us to make it different with our creativity. I came up with the idea of a fashion magazine I used to buy back in my highschool days. Little did you know, I smile everytime I try to recall the memories of the making of the report, because I finished the report in just a day, and I only slept for 3 hours, what a hectic day I had!

By the way, if you want the copy of the report, you can just download it HERE. I uploaded it online because I think people might want to take a look of our idea, and the making progress in our Design Thinking class. Secretly hoping someone would willing to be the investor for me to develop my idea in the future haha.

Last but not least, I'd like to thank all of my classmates and my beloved lecturer in Design Thinking class. You guys rock!

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